
Premium Marking Tapes 3M 471, 5702


Premium Marking Tapes 3M 471 and 5702

SKU: 3M-471-5702 Category: Tags: ,


High quality signal and floor marking tapes 3M 471 and 3M 5072. Alternative to paint. Features high abrasion resistance and chemicals.

Self-adhesive floor marking tapes, specially designed for floor marking and warning marking in production and warehousing premises.
This tape is widely used for marking the direction of movement of transport and workers, marking of storage areas, labeling of hazardous production areas, separation of spatial zones, marking of columns, marking of fire barriers, marking of sports grounds, etc.

Tapes are an excellent alternative to other markings methots and marking with paint because it has some advantages: non-toxic, meets international environmental conditions, is not flammable, resistant to chemicals, wear-resistant, etc.

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The standard size for floor marking tapes is a roll of 50 mm wide and 33 m long. However, according to the customer’s request, we cut absolutely any width. There is one limitation: it is possible to cut only one-color tapes, and the yellow / black ribbon 5702 is supplied only in standard size 50mm x 33m. Tape 3M 5700 (black / white, roll size 50 mm x 33 m) is available on request.

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Vinyl tape scotch for marking 3M 471 and 5702 is a simple and convenient solution to the marking problem:
• The rubber glue applied to the surface of the tape easily adheres to almost any surface, does not leak out and also relieves you of such operations as waiting for the glue to dry out and the removal of excess leaks;
• Due to the elastic base, the vinyl tape of Scotch 3M 471 fits well to uneven surfaces, which prevents the ribbons from bending around the edges and accidentally peeling off;
• durable vinyl base is resistant to abrasion, moisture, acid and alkali;
• the color pigment is distributed evenly over the entire tape base, which ensures brightness and color fastness during the entire lifetime of the tape;
• The flexible base of the tape easily stretches, so that the tape fits snugly against uneven surfaces.
• 3M tapes are securely held on the surface, and thanks to the elastic base they fit tightly to various irregularities, which prevents the ribbons from bending at the edges and accidentally peeling off. However, if you need to replace any part of the marking tape easily and without a trace will be removed from the surface, which is completely impossible in the case of paint.

Mechanical resistance of 3M 471 and 5702 floor tapes

Mechanical resistance of 3M 471 and 5702 floor tapes

Technical data sheets:

3M 471 and 3M 4712 tapes technical data sheet
3M 5700 and 3M 5702 tapes technical data sheet


Marking of floors of warehouses
With the help of contrasting tape, zoning places of goods storage, pallet layout are carried out. Signal tapes 3M yellow and 3M yellow-black are the most popular for marking floors, indicating the direction of movement of forklifts.
Marking of sports grounds
Due to the high wear resistance and different color choices, the 3M marking tapes can be used for marking sports grounds and halls.
Color Coding
You can use 3M tape for color coding of pipelines and other objects: a wide range of colors and tapes sizes provides unlimited possibilities for choosing the marking options.
Signal designation of potentially dangerous places, for example, stairs, ramps
For safety and for the greatest color perception, the beginning and end of the potentially dangerous zone should be highlighted with a signal color. To do this, we recommend using the marking tape 3M yellow or 3M 5702.
Marking of locations of means of fire protection
To attract attention and quickly find means of fire protection in case of fires and smoke. Recommended for the use of Scotch 3M red


The signal marking is intended to attract people’s attention to immediate or possible danger, working units of equipment, machines, mechanisms and structural elements that may be sources of hazardous or harmful factors, fire equipment, fire and other protection equipment, safety signs and signal markings.

Signal color The meaning of the marking Scope of
the marking
Immediate danger
Emergency or dangerous situation
Fire-fighting equipment, means of fire protection, their elements
Prohibition of dangerous behavior or actions
Indication of immediate danger
Alarm message about emergency shutdown or emergency condition of equipment (process)
Designation and location of fire equipment, fire protection means, their elements
Possible danger Identification of possible danger, dangerous situation
Warning, warning of possible danger
Safety, safe conditions
Help, rescue
Report on the normal operation of the equipment, the normal state of the process
Identification of evacuation routes, first-aid kits, cabinets, first aid facilities
Prescription to avoid danger
Requirement of mandatory actions to ensure safety
Allowing certain actions

The marking with contrasting colors is intended to enhance visual perception and highlight on the surrounding background safety signs, signal markings and explanatory inscriptions.

Signal color The meaning of the marking Scope of the marking
Attraction of the greatest attention to the zone of possible danger Identification of possible danger, dangerous situation
Warning, warning of possible danger

Recommendations for the application of tapes for marking
To determine the possibility of using tapes, it is necessary to test their operation on a barely visible area of the surface.
The tape should be applied after preliminary surface preparation. The optimum adhesion strength is achieved at a temperature of +16 to +27 ° C.
When applying long straight lines of marking (except curves with sharp bends) it is recommended to use an applicator for marking the floor. To produce curved lines, the tape should be applied slowly on the outside of the reference line (Pic 1).
When applying curved lines, first glue the inside of the tape along the reference line, then gently flatten the tape across its entire width ( Pic 2). Do not rush when applying tape to prevent it from peeling off and excessive stretching.
To ensure the best possible contact between the adhesive and the surface, use a roller or squeegee when applying the tape.
When overlapping the tape, for example, when making corners or joining different sections of the tape, the overlap length must be at least 5 cm or the entire width of the tape ( Pic 3). When joining butt-ends, both ends of the tape should be pressed as much as possible to the surface in order to avoid their peeling off ( Pic 4).
In places where the movement crosses the marking line, either fix the edge of the tape (Pic 5) or cut the tape every 10-15 cm to avoid detaching the long sections of the tape. In case of damage to the markup line in this case, you will need to replace only a small area ( Pic 6).

Application of 3M tapes


Analog of floor marking tapes Advantages of 3M Scotch tape
Brady B-726: economical vinyl for interior work – GWS58200, GWS58201, GWS58202, GWS58203, GWS58220, GWS255312 A stronger adhesive tape 471 and 5702 increases wear and tear life of the tape; Elastic base allows you to glue the tape on uneven surfaces, make curvilinear marking
Brady B-950: special vinyl with reinforced glue – GWS55292, GWS55296, GWS55302 Rolls of Scotch tape 3M 471 and 5702 have a longer length, compared to similar tapes Brady
Tessa B-950: soft vinyl for temporary marking of the floor and for marking surfaces that do not experience heavy loads Stronger adhesion of belts 471 allows them to be used in places of aggressive use

Also there are a lot of cheap Chinese tapes in market. We recommend you avoid such ribbons.

Comparison of 3M tapes and Chinese tapes of no-name

Scotch 3M without liner
It is convenient to apply with a conventional manual spatula
Scotch with liner
Not convenient to apply. With a long length of scotch you will soon start to get tangled in the substrate
Due to the elasticity of the 3M tape, ideal rounded lines are obtained Non-elastic bands give a “wavy” rounded line
Strong adhesive tape 3M allows them to be applied to complex surfaces Insufficient initial adhesion of adhesive tape leads to the peeling of the tape on uneasy surfaces


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    50 mm, 100 mm


    white, yellow, orange, red, brown, green, blue, purple, black, yellow-black, black-white

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