Tape dispensers for tape application

The quality of packing is only half dependent on the materials used. No less important, how exactly, evenly, with what force of pressing and tension the tape is applied. For the most effective and convenient application of packing tapes, 3M has developed several dispensers. All listed models except H-180 are suitable for working with high-strength reinforced 3M tapes. More about dispensers

H-180, H-128 – for sealing boxes
H-12, H-130 – universal
H-131, H-133, S-63 — desighned for L-clips


Technical data

For gluing boxes For gluing boxes, strapping, reinforcement and fastening
H-180 3M Ekonom rankinis pakavimo juostos laikiklis, kompaktiškas, paprastas naudoti, juostoms, kurių plotis iki 50mm H-128 3M Pramoninis pakavimo juostos laikiklis, metalinis, didelėms apkrovoms, juostai iki 50mm pločio H-12 3M Universalus pakavimo juostos laikiklis, su įtempimo mechanizmu, juostoms iki 25mm pločio H-130 3M Universalus pakavimo juostos laikiklis, su įtempimo mechanizmu, juostoms iki 18mm pločio
H-180 Econom manual, compact, simple, for tapes up to 50mm wide H-128 Industrial metal, for high loads, tapes up to 50mm H-12 Universal with tensioning mechanism for tapes up to 25mm wide H-130 Universal with tensioning mechanism for tapes up to 18mm wide
To apply L-clips in one motion to the box with «ears»
Pakavimo juostos laikiklis H-131 Ekonom juostoms iki 18mm pločio H-133 3M pakavimo juostos laikiklis S-63 3M pakavimo juostos laikiklis L-klipsas, aukštas tempimo ir šlyties atsparumas
H-131 Econom for tapes up to 18mm wide H-133 Industrial metal, for high loads, for tapes up to 18mm wide S-63 Desktop – applies an L-clip when carrying a box on its surface, for tapes up to 15mm wide L-clips, combines high tensile strength and shear resistance

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