Scotch-Weld Polyurethane Reactive Adhesives

Due to the speed and comfort it does not stand out for traditional hot melt adhesives, but they offer an incomparably stronger adhesive! That’s why – hot melt glue reaches its highest strength after hardening, with polyurethane reactive adhesive after hardening, everything just starts. Further work is continued with a heated chemical reaction (temperature +121оС).

The polyurethane reactive adhesive agent is used with a convenient and simple 3M PUR Easy 250 pneumatic applicator gun Applicator gun 3M PUR Easy 250. With its help, the thin, flexible and invisible glue thread is extracted, it allows to improve the fastening of details and the appearance and durability of products.



Code Viscosity (at 121°C) Open time Set time Tensile strength, kPa Features
TE-030 16.000 1 min 30 s 26.100 Extrudable with fast set time. Bond wood and selected plastics.
TE-031 13.000 2 min 30 s 26.800 Extrudable with fast set time. Bond a wide variety of plastics, including polystyrene and polyacrylic.
TE-100 7.000 2 min 1 min 28.900 Extrudable with medium set time. Low viscosity. Bond wood and selected plastics. Thin bond lines.
TS-230 9.000 4 min 2,5 min 22.700 Sprayable/extrudable with long set time. Bond variety of plastics, including polystyrene and polyacrylic. Bond aluminum and glass to plastic and wood.
Physical properties of uncured adhesives
Physical properties ТЕ-030 ТЕ-031 ТЕ-100 ТЕ-230
Application Temperature,°С 121 121 121 121
Viscosity at 121°С, cP 16,000 13,000 7,000 9,000
Color White White White White
Open time, min 1 1 2 2 4
Set time, s 2 30 30 60 150
Density, kg/m3 1040 1040 1052 1087
1 time of bonding a semi-cylindrical adhesive strip 3 mm wide on a nonmetallic substrate
2 the minimum time required to achieve a peel strength of 34 kPa
Physical properties отвержденных адгезивов
Physical properties ТЕ-030 ТЕ-031 ТЕ-100 ТЕ-230
Hardness1 60 50 61 45
Modulus of elasticity2, kPa 77,000 38,000 84,000 37,000
Modulus of elasticity2 100%, kPa 13,760 7,600 12,400 6,200
Strength for normal rupture2, kPa 26,100 26,800 28,900 22,700
Relative elongation at break2,% 725 725 675 700
1 measured on 2.3-2.8 mm thick bars
2 measured according yo ASTM D 638, on 0.28-0.43 thick films cured 7 days at 25°C temperature and 50% relative humidity
Adhesive characteristics
Overlap Shear Strength (kPa), tested at 23°C
Substrate ТЕ-030 ТЕ-031 ТЕ-100 ТЕ-230
Pine 1471 1681 1421 1571
Polycarbonate 96 1661 1351 1661
Polyacrylate 23 1351 51 94
Polystyrene 0 1141 0 87
ABS 96 1471 1221 1331
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 1221 1751 1221 1331
Aluminum 5 52 7 89
Glass 2 5 0 108
1 substrate failure
Overlap Shear Strength (kPa), tested at 82°C
Substrate ТЕ-030 ТЕ-031 ТЕ-100 ТЕ-230
Maple 3,000 2,300 2,600 2,800
Pine 6,00 5,500 5,600 4,900
Peel strength (N/cm) at 23°C
Substrate ТЕ-030 ТЕ-031 ТЕ-100 ТЕ-230
Pine 1471 1681 1421 1571
Polycarbonate 96 1661 1351 1661
Polyacrylate 23 1351 51 94
Polystyrene 0 1141 0 87
ABS 96 1471 1221 1331
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 1221 1751 1221 1331
Aluminum 5 52 7 89
Glass 2 5 0 108
1 substrate failure
Plasticized Vinyl, T-Peel (piw), tested at 23°C
T-Peel strength ТЕ-030 ТЕ-031 ТЕ-100 ТЕ-230
Initial 19 28 21 28
Aged at 71°С for 2 weeks 30 38 38 38
Climatic tests, shear strength (kPa) at 23°C, material – substrate
Shear strength ТЕ-030 ТЕ-031 ТЕ-100 ТЕ-230
Aging at 25°C and 50% air humidity for 15 days 16,400 13,000 17,500 15,500
Thermal cycle1 15,800 13,400 12,900 16,600
Cure speed, shear strength (kPa) at 23°C, substrate – pine
Time ТЕ-030 ТЕ-031 ТЕ-100 ТЕ-230
10 minutes 5,500 2,300 4,700 2,000
1 hour 7,800 4,200 7,700 3,600
24 hours 13,000 13,000 14,400 10,100
Main test methods:
Shear strength
Measured on 25.4 mm x 100 mm piece and 3.2 mm (plastics) or 9.5 mm (wood) thick pieces. The overlapping area is 25.4 mm x 12.7 mm, the thickness of the adhesive layer is 75 – 150 μm. The shear rate is 5.1 mm / minute.
Peel strength (angle 180 °)
Measured on 25.4 mm x 203 mm piece of coton duck (canvas) bonded to 25.4 mm x 101.6 mm size and 3.2 mm thick substrates. The tearing speed is 5.1 mm / minute.
Peel strength (angle 180 °)
Measured on a 2.54 mm wide sample of plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC). The tearing speed is 5.1 mm / minute.

Showing all 6 results

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