Adhesives and Sealants

Standartinėje temperatūroje lydomi klijai Hot Melt
Hot Melt adhesives and applicators

• Low Melt technology (121°–132°C)
• Hot Melt technology (177°–196°C)
Klijai purškiamuose balionėliuose (purškikliai)
Aerosol spray adhesives

• Spray cans
• Industrial high pressure cilinders and applicators
• Adhesives in cans
• Sprayable adhesive remover
Termo aktyvuojami klijai 3M PUR
Polyurethane reactive adhesives

and pneumatic applicator PUR Easy 250
The chemical reaction of curing starts when heated adhesive begins to harden.
Sriegių fiksatoriai
Anaerobic adhesives

Cure on metal surfaces in the absence of oxygen.
• Threadlocker and retaining compounds
• Pipe sealants
• Gasket makers
Dvikomponenčiai klijai
Two component adhesives,

applicators, removable mixing nozzles
Cianoakrilato klijai
Cyanoacrylate adhesives

Universal glue for instant action

Cure when irradiated with UV light, the wavelenght of whis is 310nm and longer
Kontaktiniai klijai
Contact adhesives

Apply on both surfaces, let it dry a little bit, join both surfaces and tightly press

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