Cable braiding

Cable braiding for mechanical protection of wires and cables, wire braiding forming. Main types of wicker: flexible, heat shrinkable, self-winding and fiberglass with foil (thermoregulatory). Certain types of straps are manufactured without halogen and non-flammable. Cable braids are made of polyester. High performance bearing characteristics are ensured by the multi-year experience of the company, the availability of customers among the leading manufacturers and industry quality and compliance certificates.
There are several different names in everyday life. Motorcyclists and car enthusiasts say: snake skin, snake wires, wrapped sleeve, cable sock. Computer moderator lovers use the concepts of wiring wrap.


Our product suppliers:
IPROTEX & INNOTECT (Germany) – the company is engaged in the development, production and marketing of braids for the mechanical protection of wires and cables and wire braiding forming. All production is in Germany (quality “made in Germany”). The company’s products are used in the automotive, railway, space and military equipment industries. It has several units: Iprotex® – manufactures woven braids, Innotec® to produce knitted braids.

This section is currently under construction. Full information about the products on the manufacturers’ web sites or on your request.

• Mechanical protection of the cable sheath against friction;
• Formation of wires and mechanical protection;
• Mechanical protection and reinforcement of lathes.

• Self-inflating and closed tubular;
• Flexible;
• Heat-shrinkable;
• Black, Red, Gray, Blue;
• Thermo-insulating foil;
• Non-flammable, which does not support combustion

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