Hidden Picture or Text

When trying to remove the warranty label from the surface, a hidden image appears on the label. Labels can be made fromtwo types of materials – leaving a mark on the surface and that can be removed without leaving residue.



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We manufacture standard labels, as well as custom sizes, custom labels, blank labels, ready-to-print and ready-made labels according to the customer’s layout.


Code Protection Picture Material Color Surface Features
Labels with a hidden image, Polyester, for boxes and packaging, ECONOMY
6001** OPEN 6001 Etiketė atidaryta open mėlyna Polyester Blue (standard),
any color (on order)
Glossy The inscriptions “OPEN”. For boxes. Bright contrasting trace. It does not stick back after removing it.
6002** OPEN 6002 Etiketė atidaryta open raudona Polyester Red (standard),
any color (on order)
Glossy The inscriptions “OPEN”. For boxes. Bright contrasting trace. It does not stick back after removing it.
6004** STOP 6004 Etiketė stop Polyester Violet Matte Circles “STOP”. For boxes. Bright contrast trail. Does not stick back after removal.
Code Protection Picture Material Color Surface Features
Labels with a hidden image, Polyester, ECONOMY
1132 VOID 1132 Etiketė void balta Polyester White Glossy Economical analogue of 3668.
1130 VOID 1130 Etiketė void sidabrinė Polyester Silver Matte Economical analogue of 3283.
1131 VOID 1131 Etiketė void sidabrinė Polyester Silver Glossy Attention: due to high reflectivity, barcode scanning is not guaranteed.
2216 VOID 2216 Etiketė void violetinė Polyethylene Violet Semi-glossy Inscriptions of very small size (2 × 4 mm)
Code Protection Picture Material Color Surface Features
Labels with a hidden image, Polyester, PREMIUM
1133 VOID 1133 Etiketė void juoda Polyester Black Glossy Looks great on black surfaces.
3668 VOID 3668 Etiketė void balta Polyester White Glossy Recommended for at least 32x12mm size labels.
30796 Triangels 30796 Etiketė trikampiai balta Polyester White Matte A fine grid of hidden triangles for compact seals.
31186 STOP 31186 Etiketė stop mėlyna Polyester Blue Glossy High-contrast hidden image of “STOP” circles for control from distance.
2215 Squares 2215 Etiketė kvadratai sidabrinė Polyester Silver Matte A fine grid of hidden squares for compact seals.
3283 VOID 3283 Etiketė void sidabrinė Polyester Silver Matte Recommended for labels with a size of at least 32x12mm.


• Labels for any dimensions and shapes
• Ordering – from one label
• The sealing stickers can be equipped with additional security elements – with numeric data, microfiber, adhesive UV pigmentation, individually hidden image, guilloche pattern background, foil fragments, holograms, “chamelion” laminate, etc.
• Processing of materials according to non-standard tasks.
• Free samples for testing.

Labels can be of various dimensions and contents – it is our job to make a label in accordance with the specification you have provided.
Types of labels



Brady code Our analogue Material Color Surface Features
B-438 2215 Polyester Silver Matte Squares
B-7576 3283 Polyester Silver Matte VOID
B-7546 3668 Polyester White Glossy VOID


Fasson code Our analogue Material Color Surface Features
Matte Chrom VOID PET TC 1130 Polyester Silver Matte VOID
Silver VOID PET TC 1131 Polyester Silver Glossy VOID
White Void PET TC 1132 Polyester White Glossy VOID
Matte Chrom Checkerboard PET TC (matte) 2215 Polyester Silver Matte Squares
Silver Checkerboard PET TC (glossy) 2215 Polyester Silver Matte Squares


Partex code Our analogue Material Color Surface Features
PLT S5 Security 2215 Polyester Silver Matte Squares

Phoenix Contact

Phoenix Contact code Our analogue Material Color Surface Features
EMLS (silver, triangles) 2215 Polyester Silver Matte Squares
EMLS (silver, squares) 30796 Polyester White Matte Triangels


Tyco code Our analogue Material Color Surface Features
MV tamper-evident metalized PET 3283 Polyester Silver Matte VOID

UPM Raflatac

UPM Raflatac code Our analogue Material Color Surface Features
Void Text Matt Silver TC 1130 Polyester Silver Matte VOID
Void Silver TC 1131 Polyester Silver Glossy VOID
Void Text White TC 1132 Polyester White Glossy VOID


Zebra code Our analogue Material Color Surface Features
8000T Silver Checkerboard, PolyTrans 3100 Check 2215 Polyester Silver Matte Squares
8000T Void Matte, PolyTrans 3000 Void 3283 Polyester Silver Matte VOID

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